Thursday, July 28, 2011

My day of the week!

Of all the days of the week, Thursday usually turns out to be my day of the week. My husband works late and isn't home for dinner. Although I usually prepare a complete meal even if just for those of us at home, I have the option of treating everyone to a hamburger out. Since I have the extra time, I get to put it to good use and catch up on sewing projects and put ideas into actual fabric/quilts. Tomorrow, is bills and correspondence day with the added benefit of it being the end of the week and an early homecoming for my husband.

The older I get, however, the more I'm discovering that any day that gets started with morning Mass and evolves into just an 'ordinary' day, is a blessing from God. I find myself saying, "Thank you for the day, God . . . and if You would see clear to providing a good tomorrow . . ."!

The news doesn't progress much to the side of good. I get more and more frustrated with the politicians we have in office who provide for their own good/fame, first, and the heck with the people who trusted them with the votes that got them there. I'm beginning to think that being untruthful is a component of the political makeup. While the big picture in Washington D.C. evolves with a president not knowing when a 'credit card' is maxed out, aka our national budget borrowing, stupidities are daily voted into the California laws. The media used to be the watchdogs for the people. They now cover up and kiss up to the politicians. One of these days, it would be wonderful for one, lone, reasonable person in the media to stand up and exclaim, "The emperor has no clothes!"

In the meantime, I have that morning Mass and a God Who hears, sees, and knows all. Just have to trust in that.

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