Friday, July 15, 2011

Morning has broken . . . and I didn't do it!

Another cool, overcast day and it is also Friday. We've made it through another week but I have to be a bit taken aback at how fast the weeks are going by these days. Please don't tell me I have to age a bit every quickly passing day!

A successful trip to the fabric store although I avoided temptation and only got one length of fabric but for 50% off - my kind of deal. My daughter chose fabrics for new tote bags for her roommate and herself. College starts up in August - her last semester before she graduates with her BA degree. We haven't been entirely happy with the college but that's a story for another day . . . after she has her diploma in hand and has shaken the dust of the place off her feet!

The tote bags got cut out and designed yesterday. Depending on the schedule for today, they may get completed before the day is out.

Major clean up left from our Dirt Day celebrations. We kept mopping and mopping the kitchen floor only to have it come up dusty within hours. Turns out the dirt left a fine film of dust all over the garage floor and every time we went out to do the laundry or something, back in the house we were tracking it. My husband gets to 'mop' the garage today in hopes of cutting  out that problem.

Every Friday, we have Adoration beginning after morning Mass until evening. I try and get a few minutes in after Mass. I ran across a qote this morning that reminds me of  why some extra knee time is good for our spiritual health.

“Of all devotions, that of adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament is the greatest after the sacraments, the one dearest to God and the one most helpful to us.”  ~St. Alphonsus Liguori

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