Wednesday, July 27, 2011

If you are Catholic, be Catholic . . .

I don't know how many times I have been chastised by 'Catholics' to vote 'with the times' and leave my religion at the 'door' when it comes to being a real part of the world. This excerpt from a recent posting from the Catholic Advocate Candidate Fund certainly dares to say it like it should be said.

"It may shock you to learn that right now (and going back for decades) less than half of the Catholics in Congress vote in accordance with Church teaching when it comes to unborn children and the institution of marriage. This is a disgrace, and we need to do something about it right now.

While some religions guide their adherents to live in a manner set apart from the world, Catholics are under no such obligation. In fact, our duty is the exact opposite. Catholics have an obligation to be involved in the political process in a way that defends our values. For too long, we've let "Catholic" politicians like Massachusetts Senator John Kerry take "the Catholic vote" for granted and use Catholic institutions (schools, hospitals, and parishes) as props, even as they wage aggressively secular campaigns and call attention to their dissent from Church teachings."

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