Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Government Fast Food Nannies . . .

It's just another way for the government to intrude into our personal lives. First, they ban certain oils for frying, then they require a calorie count on restaurant menus, and now they have a fast food place changing the 'attitude' of their happy meals. If I were still a kid and being treated to a fast food meal, I would very much resent having apples in place of French fries. What does the government think is going to really happen here?

First of all, the families that eat out constantly, are not going to lose weight because there are apple slices in their happy meal. They eat out for the convenience and the junk food. Yes, a few people might actually eat something nutritious but their ultimate goal in eating out was not in view of their health.

Some of the parents will certainly appreciate the change but you probably won't find such families eating out that often and their children already are eating right at home . . . without being harassed by the powers that be because they are the parents and they do what is right because they want to.

According to a report on the radio, people are not asking for these substitions in their fried food cravings. Some report said the fast food places are doing it because of customer demand yet statistics  show only eleven percent are asking.

It is amusing/sad/scary that our entire world is in constant flux over one thing or another and the government takes valuable time and money to 'govern' our food intake. The choices have always been available. People make their own choices. You constantly take away our ability to choose and you end up with a bunch of people who really do need a governmental nanny.

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