Tuesday, July 26, 2011

I need a 30-hour day!

No matter how I plan my week, my week seems to plan itself. As I happily schedule my week, no one thinks to inform me that they have appointments that require my driving skills to get them there. I'm craving some sewing machine time but have tried to be patient. Today, I'm hoping that I can finally finish off one quilt and get the other one down to the handsewing stage . . . THEN I can start in on yet another idea.

My husband treated me to a visit to the fabric warehouse over the weekend and I have some new lengths of material that keep calling to me as I pass them by in pursuit of the mundane of life . . . like laundry and cooking. Today is the day I stop the chatter coming from my fabric cupboard . . . right after I take my daughter to the orthodontist appointment I just found out about on Sunday.

I need a 30-hour week or a maid, perhaps, a butler . . .

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