Friday, June 17, 2011

It seems like cooler weather than it is . . .

For some reason, apples were on sale today so it inspired me to bake an apple pie. The weather has been cooler and overcast in the mornings with it heating up to just beyong Spring weather by the afternoon. Close enough to being cool enough to turn on the oven and bake.

Also found some frozen fish on sale so our Friday meal isn't quite as penitential as usual. The fish along with a vegetable pasta toss and I think my husband will perk up when he comes in the door from work. He is on a 4/10 work schedule which is pretty wearing.

I go shopping prepared for increases in food prices but it is always another case of sticker shock, anyway. The three-pound bag of frozen salmon I used to splurge on when it was $15 is now $27! Needless to say, we don't have salmon these days. I can always tell how the dairy farm business is by the cost of butter. It hasn't gone done at all this year.

It is always interesting to hear various talk show hosts talking about how they have discovered healthy eating and everyone should really think about having salmon three or four times a week. Uh, I'm thinking these talk show hosts haven't had to worry about their cooks paying big bucks for salmon.

I don't dwell on these differences too often as I know we are blessed to have food on the table. I also like how the lack of some wanted foodstuffs has made me more creative with what we do have in the cupboard. We aren't starving and we always try and remember to count our blessings.

The cooler weather seems to be keeping the quilting efforts going. I am now almost done with two quilts with a lot of progress done on the third one. Nothing but hand sewing left on two of them. I try and get the sewing maching aspects done during the day so I can relax with the family in the evening but still keep my hands busy.

Hope everyone is looking forward to a good weekend. We will be busy but that is a blessing, too!

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