Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The newly discovered wonders of grilling . . .

As you know by now, I enjoy cooking very much. I have felt a bit behind the times because so many recipes call for grilling meats and vegetables. We do have an outdoor, charcoal grill but when dinner time looms in the very near future, I don't always have time to get charcoal going, watch whatever is on the grill, and keep an eye on what might be simmering on the kitchen stove.

I was surfing the Internet a few weeks ago and ran across a mention of an indoor grill and that got my attention. I had to find out how that would work because I envisioned clouds of smoke and the smoke alarm going off. I'm good at research and read all the claims by various companies as well as remarks by people who have purchased such items.

I narrowed down my choices and not only did a find what seemed to be a reasonable indoor grill, it was on sale. The price was pretty low and the last one in stock. I took a chance. My first meal on the new kitchen play thing was boneless steaks with grilled peppers. It worked complete with grill marks and juicy meat. The smoke was minimal and a small fan aimed past the cooking area to the open door took care of it. Hoping it wasn't beginner's luck, I tried chicken breasts with grilled cauliflower for dinner last night. Let's just say that my son who is very careful about food portions, went back for seconds.

Yes, I still prefer the taste of charcoal grilled food but having my grilling area on the counter by the stove certainly makes meal preparation convenient. My husband's thrill over it all? I found a place to store it between uses!

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