Friday, April 22, 2011

What next?

Who put the inmates of the asylum in charge? I couldn't believe the news report from Florida about some unemployment agency spending over $14,000 on capes for unemployed people. The reason? They said they were to instill hope in these 60,000 unemployed that they WERE cape-able. Huh? The country is in the midst of a financial crisis and they think red super hero capes is going to help? In my humble opinion, it was a wasted of precious income and a very stupid idea. Are they supposed to wear their capes to job interviews? Would anyone be impressed with an applicant arriving in a swirl of red cape and believe him to be cape-able?

Seems to me, again in my humble opinion, that if the unemployment agency had $14,000 sitting around it could have paid the salary for a part time employee rather than invest in super hero capes. Last I heard, these capes do not even provide super hero powers! You won't see any of these 'lucky' recipients darting happily among the clouds searching for jobs.

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