Saturday, April 9, 2011

Liberal Catholics . . .

Nothing more disheartening than a liberal Catholic. Now, I respect each person's right to believe what they want to believe and to worship in a way that makes them a productive person in their spiritual and every day life. I just get upset when a Catholic veers so far off the prescribed path. The Catholic Church is pretty clear on what is right and wrong in the world. We have those ten, little rules that are there for easy reference, yet I so often hear, "Yes, I know that is what the Church teaches but I think the Church is wrong." I have to wonder why they don't just go out and find a religion more in tune with their personal desires.

Today, a daily Mass attendee actually inferred that we sometimes have to give up things for the good of the whole. Uh, we were talking about abortion! He was telling me that sacrificing a baby for usually selfish purposes was a good thing in certain circumstances? Good thing I was heading into Mass as I was literally handed another person to keep in my prayers. It's an interesting and often sad world. Glad it's not the one slated for eternity!

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