Saturday, April 23, 2011

How will it all end . . .

Heard some interesting bits of news today. More government interference and the results of their nanny-state attitude.

It seems that those great, law-ordered light bulbs may be leaking toxins. Great! We have those light bulbs in our home and on our work tables where they can shine down upon us as we work leaking future problems upon us. We save a few bit of electricity and cause possible medical problems. We all know how that will end, medically, if the healthcare system bill ultimately goes into full effect.

A radio program was talking about various aspects of the public school system and a parent called in who had experienced this personally. The school wanted to put his lively five year old on drugs stating the child had attention deficit problems. When the parent stood up to them and refused, he was actually told to PLEASE comply as the school needed the funding. He later found out that schools get funding based on the percentage of children require attention deficit, etc. medication so they push parents on this for children who are just active children.

Another parent said he opted out of having his ten year old take sex ed at school when he was offered the option. A few months later, he said a word that his ten year old shouldn't have understood and was shocked when the ten year old knew exactly what the word meant. Seems the school put him in the sex ed class without notice to the parent.

Meanwhile, we have to deal with a media and press that do nothing but run interference for the president and other politicians as more and more entitlement programs and invasion into our private lives takes place.

It is sort of like the story of the Emperor's clothes where everyone pretended to see what was not there because no one dared say otherwise. Yes, Christ rose from the dead to save us but I think we have to put some effort into our situations to earn Heaven.

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