Tuesday, April 26, 2011

How can this be justified . . .?

Since I do a lot of sewing/cooking, baking, I'm in the kitchen alone most of the time and usually have the talk radio shows playing to keep me company. My tastes in the radio programming are usually not the same as my children!

Today, the topic on one show was a lawsuit by a prisoner in jail for murder. The man wants the State of California to pay for his sex change surgery so he can go stay in the women's prison. From what I understand, the State has been paying for his hormone treatments at taxpayer expense. It seems to me that if you break the law, especially taking someone's life, your own life, as you know it, pretty much ends because being in prison isn't supposed to be a country club atmosphere. I have to wonder why the whole matter is taken seriously in the first place.

Would I be allowed to bring in my sewing machine, fabric, scissors, etc. to jail because that is what I like to do? Nope. Why? Because jail is a punishment for a serious crime.

Granted, prisoners are entitled the basic, humane medical treatment as required to stay healthy but I don't think expensive, elective surgery should be charged to the taxpayer's account. People seem to forget that they voluntarily got themselves into their current situation and, as a result, have to face the fact that they can't continue a freedom of choice existence.

Yes, I would pray for these people as we should, anyway. However, if the felon wins this surgery, it wouldn't be out of the realm of possibility that more people would use the prison system for elective surgerie they couldn't afford in the outside world. Gotta to shake you head over the loss of common sense in the world today.

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