Monday, April 18, 2011

Cupcake Fever . . .!

It's interesting how cupcakes seem to be the fashion these days. I remember when they were the lowly substitute for a 'real' cake with wonderful icing and decorations. I can, however, see the appeal in making AND eating cupcakes. Done right, you can have a gourmet morsel wrapped in a handy cupcake paper, filled with creamy surprises and an elegant topping of sugar and spice and everything nice! It's also about the equivalent of a reasonable slice of cake so you know if there are 6 used cupcake papers on your plate, you've exceeded your dietary limits.

I bake a variety of cookies for Christmas giving every year and am seriously in the cupcake mode for Easter this year. My imagination is seeing a tray of these little cakes adorned with sugar flowers and filled with creamy delights. I'm hoping my imagination doesn't exceed my actual skills.

I used to do cake decorating before the onset of motherhood and all it entails. I'm rounding up my modeling chocolate recipes and tools and hope to have a Spring-like assortment to give to my friends. My thinking is that even if I fall short of my imaginary goals, a cupcake with filling and icing is still a very good thing.

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