Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Annoying questions to ask your catechism teacher!

Annoying questions to ask your CCD teacher:

Is it a sin to mouth obscenities if you don't make any sound?

Is it okay to laugh at people in hell while you're up in heaven?

Once you're in heaven, do you get stuck wearing the clothes you were buried in for eternity?

Why is there suffering?

If there's life on other planets, are there aliens in heaven, too?

Do dinosaurs have souls?

Is neanderthal man in heaven?

Could God create a corn dog so big even God couldn't eat it all?

If you told a really, really good joke, would it make God laugh?

Wouldn't eternal bliss get boring after a while?

If you were a masochist in life, wouldn't it be a reward to be sent to hell and a punishment to be sent to heaven?

If I spent all my time praying instead of studying, would I get better grades?

Can the spirits of your dead relatives watch you when you go to the bathroom?

If money is the root of all evil then how come we have to have jobs?

If someone's been decapitated, are they still headless in heaven?

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