Monday, February 28, 2011

Regretting a vote . . .

Given the current BAD changes in our country, today, I imagine many people are regretting their votes that put our current politicians and president into office. Trying to be a straightforward Catholic, it seems to me that any vote for a defined pro-abort candidate would be against the precepts of my religion . . . and I wouldn't vote for such. Unfortunately, many Catholics did vote for the very anti-life president and various other politicians in high places. A recent article by a priest firmly stated that voting in such a way requires reparation on the part of the voter.

However, I know many people who don't bother to register to vote and they always seem to be the loudest in complaining at how events are now shaping our lives. If we use our one vote to put a pro-abort candidate into office any worse than a person who abstains from voting because they just couldn't be bothered? Sure, our lone votes seems to be something that would be lost in the crowd but what if the right vote is cast by many and our voice is heard? The election that got obama into office had a huge majority of Catholic voters. As usual, voting wasn't 100%. Could there have been a different outcome if everyone took their citizenship in this country seriously?

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