Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Twisted world?

Practically the moment the Arizona shooting happened, the media and liberal factions pointed fingers at conservatives claiming their 'narrow-minded verbage' ignited the hatred in the mind and heart of the shooter. Turns out, the bad guy had no political leanings and didn't listen to the 'awful' conservative talk show radio programs. He was just mentally unbalance all on his own.

Once that was determined, the liberal press graciously offered an apology to each and every conservative they blasted . . . NOT! While bemoaning the horror of the shootings and the lives lost, there are ongoing death threats and nasty postings about Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh, Glen Beck, etc. Now, who is igniting hatred in the hearts of people? It is like the lefties of the world glady took advantage of a tragedy to further their own twisted agenda.

I'm hoping that with the election of more conservative minds into our government, good and clear thoughts will start to take hold in how we are governed.

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