Saturday, January 15, 2011

Termites are so much fun . . .

If you believe the subject line, I might have some swamp land property to offer, too! We first got notice of the unwelcome critters when we discovered they had actually eaten a noticeable chunk out of the baseboard in my daughter's room. Fortunately, they were able to treat just the wall and, for the sake of prevention, sprayed our attic and the perimeter of the house. We were offered a yearly 'membership' for $250 which would give us an annual check up and treatment as needed. We weren't sure but decided to go for it. Best decision of our life.

Given the extensive treatment of last year, we were pretty sure the $250 payment would remain just a fee without a benefit. Wrong! The termites came in through a drain line that was outside the house BUT up against the wall of an inside closet. Uh, this is my craft/junk closet so you can imagine how much I enjoyed my husband the the termite guy pulling out the piles and piles of stuff. Sigh . . . Guess what, that closet is near perfection today. Do you think the termite guy was sent by my guardian angel to finally bring organization to that portion of my life?

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