Saturday, January 8, 2011

Lack of intellect . . .

As you all know, some 22 year old guy decided to hurt or destroy the lives of over 18 people today. Not sure on the number as the investigation is ongoing at the crime scene. I sure do not respect this guy for whatever he thinks he stands for in this situation. Only an idiot or a bully resorts to physical violence against innocent people. It seems that if a person can't meet their opposition on an intellectual level, they resort to fists . . . or guns. Strong-armed power does not make the person. It just reflects a serious lack of real brain power. Situations are changed with ideas or suggestions not destroyed to make the point.

We have to remember all the people involved in this horrible event today. We even have to pray for the gunman that he realizes his intent today and has to deal with the guilt of what he did to so many people and their families because HE had a problem.

As usual, we see that even the moderate gun control laws do not stop murders by gun because only the law-abiding citizens weren't prepared for gunplay today.

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