Saturday, August 14, 2010

Judge not . . .

Over the years, we have sponsored children/seminarians through the Catholic Foundation for the Children and Aging. Someone, looking at the photo of 'my' little girl in Peru, remarked, "She looks pretty well-dressed to be needing your financial help. I heard the same remark from someone when my mother was showing him pictures taken during World War II in Germany. He said, "I heard everyone was hungry and sick. You all don't look that bad."

Both people judged by the picture. I have come to find out that when a child gets assigned a sponsor through the above-named organization, everyone rejoices for them and the whole village/neighborhood loans them the best for the photo. They might be poor and in need but they want to look nice. Same with my mother. She said that when anyone took a picture, people pulled their lives away from the war for the moment and spruced up the best they could.

In both instance, people judged by what they saw and left their opinion at the superficial level. We have all been guilty of that, from time to time, and you have to wonder what terrific people you will never become friends with because you judged hastily. There is a lot of evil in the world today. It is a shame to miss out on including all the good people you can find in your life.

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