Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What happened to professional journalism?

There was a time when the newspapers would keep us informed of what the government was about in regards to our life and affairs. The government sort of behaved because they didn't want bad publicity. These days, the media virtually tries to hide the bad stuff and leaves the subscribers out to dry.

The few avenues of truth on the radio and in the media that dare to expose the truths, are maligned and lied about. It has to make you wonder where virtue and truth has gone in the world? I've also noticed that the more wrong anyone is, the louder they yell as if that will convince you.

It isn't so much the bad politics but the politicians refusal to represent the people that initially gave them their place in office. I have written to our senators on several occasions and they DO write back but the gist of the reply is, "I appreciate you writing with your concerns but I will have to do what I think is right in this matter." The concerns I wrote about shows the senator's view to be in the minority. If the senator is going with the minority's view, how are we being represented democratically?

It does come down to the fault of many voters and non-voters. The fools we have in office didn't get there by themselves. Voters who didn't research and look past the end of their nose, put them into office. The non-voters let the rest down by not honoring their privilege to vote.

I'm especially shocked at how supposedly pro-life people voted for the economy and left the unborn to fend for themselves. The current, anti-life administration garnered 65% of the Catholic vote and that is a sad commentary on a Faith that honors life. If these 65% thought the economy was more important than life, they need to review their religion and basic, common decency.

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