Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Hope this isn't true but it sure seems in line with the mind set of our current political administration. According to what I heard, included in the infamous obamacare bill is a bit about everyone being taxed on the cost of their health insurance. Seems rather sad that we could have our gross income upped $10,000 to $20,000 a year and taxed on money we will never see. In many cases, it is insurance because, Thanks be to God, a lot of us don't use it from year to year. More free money for the government.

It is twice as insidious, at least to me, because the increase on income taxes owing means many of us will have to pay towards the final, annual amount due quarterly. Of course, if we happen to overpay on the estimate, we will get a refund . . . if the government HAS the money come April 15th. Free enterprise is being smashed under a tax burden that won't quit.

Also, as we have read, our children and children as yet unborn are already in tax debt. One problem with the government's thinking on this: The liberals are very much in favor of 'choice' which means the birth rate is barely replacing the population. The fewer children, the deeper the debt for the few born.

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