Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Quilts, quilts and more quilts!

Maybe it is my new vitamins but I seem to be progressing well on my quilt projects the last few weeks! I finished two baby quilts last week and have the quilt tops done for four more. I try to make and donate baby quilts to ProLife for unwed mothers who come in for help during this difficult time. I'm trying to get six one this Lent - one for each week of Lent!

Last I heard, however, the local ProLife office was not allowing Catholic literature in their racks. They have their Protestant booklets and encourage the young ladies to be 'born again' but won't allow equal time for other faiths. Seems to me that at such a difficult time in a woman's life, the ProLife office should keep a database of some sort of pastors, ministers, rabbis, etc. who are open to talking to the young ladies and providing them guidence and support from a parish/congregation. It doesn't seem very Christian to deal with Catholic unwed mothers but not provide them with Catholic help. I happen to know they do have Catholics helping out and wonder why none of them have spoken up on the subject.

I'm now stock piling my baby quilts until I find a group that is for EVERYONE not just for a specific church's agenda. The last time I donated some items to the 'restricted' group, they wouldn't accept some quilts and diaper bags that had our Lady of Guadeloupe on them. Seems like they could be refusing some comfort to a Catholic girl going through all this. Just my vent for the day!

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