Friday, December 11, 2009

Man, that global warming is sure cold and wet . . .

According to REAL scientific facts and not the made up, forced conclusions of Al Gore and company, the last time there was a temperature change out of the ordinary was in 1998 and it was minimal. I always enjoy rainy, cold weather as it makes all the global summits on this 'warming' trend a bit amusing. Besides, what kind of carbon footprint did they all leave by flying into the current one in their private jets, etc.? If they let God be in charge, more would be right with the world.

Lots of sunny, California rain today. I promised myself during the last rain storm earlier in the week that I would remember to find that tin pan under the eaves that makes a delightful noise during the rain . . . in the middle of the night . . . when I would like to sleep!

Not complaining as my older daughter has taken up ice slipping for a hobby this week. The storm that hit California went on to Kansas and surrounding areas leaving them with snow and icy paths. Her record, yesterday, was five falls on the black ice and she added another one when she was talking to me on her way back to the dorm.

In spite of the dark, rainy forecast, I'm thinking about making dinner that requires long and hot use of the oven today, probably vegetable cheese pizza on a whole wheat crust. We don't use our central air so savor any activity that includes the use of the oven these days!

Just to brighten the gloomy day, here are some quotes that hit a bit too close to the truth!

"Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff."
-- Frank Zappa

"Consistency requires you to be as ignorant today as you were a year ago."
-- Bernard Berenson

"Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing."
-- Redd Foxx

"Don't go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first."
-- Mark Twain

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