Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Back to the creative grind . . .

I've enjoyed Christmas with all it's preparations, extra baking, and gifting. I have, however, missed my sewing machine and free moments for creativity. I'm looking forward to doing some Spring cleaning, clutter reduction, and getting my fabric and needles back into play.

Hard to believe it is 2010 coming up. I'm amazed at how much history we have lived through over the last few years. Not sure if I'm looking forward to some of the stuff that seems to be on the horizon for us in the next few years!

After a lot of mornings of waking up and worrying about the state of the nation (someone has to do it!), I've decided to keep informed but send off a prayer instead of fretting. In many ways, it is out of my hands. Naturally, I will fight against things that will jeopardize my life and my children's future but I hope to learn to turn it more over to God. Hey, He is in control even if He allows some of His children to wander drastically off the given path.

I'm also looking forward to being more politically aware and active. There are a lot of re-elections coming up that need our attention and educated vote. We need to keep justified anger going so the wrong politicians can't slip into office for any more years.

Now, I'm off to my clean up chores and should probably start with the leftover Christmas candy. I need my energy to keep up, you know!

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