Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sad . . .

Someone told me that at last count, it seems that around 60% of the Catholic vote went for the election of our current president. That really saddens me because it was pretty much out there, in plain language, that he was very much in favor of abortion, no parental notification, partial birth abortion, and embryonic stem cell research. Within days of his swearing into office, he made 'good' on his promises and the abortion industry gives him a big thumbs up.

When I heard the high number of Catholic votes going to the election of this president, it seemed like a number far removed from my day to day life. Imagine my surprise when it seems that just about everyone that attends daily Mass, has nothing but good to say of the president and voted for him because of his empty promise of change. When I ask them about his abortion stance, they either change the subject, say it is overstated, or say we have to look at the big picture. Looking at this 'big picture' means babies will die for the sake of the economy or whatever agenda they favor over a developed conscience.

It is getting hard to watch these people share the Mass with me when they have all harped at me for my narrow-minded viewpoint in regards to politics and politicians. I don't think God thinks it is narrow-minded to defend life first and let the economy take care of itself.

If obama's national health system goes into effect, more lives will be lost. Besides the unborn, the elderly will find themselves on rationed care because why waste resources on someone who is going to die anyway? Uh, you could be twenty years old, be eligible for major surgery, and get run over by a bus two weeks after recovery. If we knew about the bus accident, the surgery should have been refused 'because the person was going to die anyway'?

It is kind of ironic that the people who are praising the president at morning Mass are all elderly! They voted in an advocate of killing the unborn. Wonder if they realized they were possibly voting in their own demise?

I don't think people today can claim invincible ignorance when it comes to what is going on in the world. I think many people, however, twist the truth in their minds to rest easy in this life time. Although I know I probably face Purgatory time for my own shortcomings, I sure don't want to be one of the crowd who has to face the preborn babies they sentenced to death by their vote. Didn't Christ say something to the effect, 'what you do to the least of my people, you do to Me?'

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