Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Computer ate my homework . . .

Two of my children (age 15 and 21) are doing a summer project and making a totally obscure, weird, silly, nonsense movie together. My son is starring in all the roles which has my daughter running from side to side to make it look like he is actually talking to his 'other persona'. With a few pointers from my media major daughter, who is away at college, I'm in charge of putting the film together and editing. I'm learning as I go along so there have been some interesting interludes!

About 30 minutes of work gave us eight minutes of film yesterday. Actually, that is quite a bit for one session. My husband kindly got it uploaded into the movie maker prgram, I viewed the clips this morning, and when I was ready to work with them, they had disappeared. Yeah, we still have them on a disc but WHERE did the uploaded ones go? I just know they are lurking behind something else. I found a few audio clips in places they shouldn't be today so have hopes the video ones will give themselves away next time I enter the program.

We didn't have time to take video footage of our nearest and dearest friends but did have lots of photos taken after Mass the last few Sundays. I managed to work with that and they are also starring in a film they don't know is going down. If I provide snacks for the viewing, they might not hate us TOO much!

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