Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Where will it all end . . .?

The United States certainly seems to continue in its decline. We still have much to be thankful for as we have one of best countries in which to live. It seems, however, that our political powers that be are doing all they can to stifle creativity, threaten jobs, and overtax our incomes. Although the economy is of importance, our smallest citizens tend to be overlooked in everyone's immediate anxiety - the unborn. We can live without a stable economy. The unborn can't live with abortion.

It puzzles me why our current administration is so set on making wholesale murder so accessible. If our president had been conceived in today's world, his college-age mother most likely would have taken the easy route and aborted him. Fortunately, for him, abortion was against the law in his womb time. There is also a higher percentage of abortions in the black community. Shouldn't a president of a definite ethnic background be concerned?

Now that the embryonic stem cell research has been given a huge green light, how much more danger comes to the unborn. We are cannibalizing our future when the deceased future may have held the answer to the questions we look for through research. The senselessness of embryonic stem cell research sickens me. To date, there have not been any grand successes to validate murder - not that it is ever validated. Meanwhile, adult stem cell research is showing promise and success - no babies harmed in the process.

Our vice president is Catholic. The speaker of the house is Catholic. Our governor and his wife are Catholic. They are all thoroughly in favor of abortion. I know you can't judge what is in a person's heart but when these people present themselves for Holy Communion, the administering priest should refuse to participate in a sacrilege. Their outward signs certainly attest to a lack of heart when they support pre-born infanticide.

And to the many Catholics who supported the president's election to office twice, I wonder if they did their research? President Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act four times, horrifyingly voting against protecting babies who survived abortion and voting in favor of leaving them to die. A vote against this legislation was a vote for infanticide.

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