Tuesday, December 4, 2012

It only took two years . . .

My younger son is somewhat unsuccessfully trying to earn his AA degree at the local community college. Unsuccessful because of all the cutbacks in the budget, the college is crowded and classes fill up quickly. And, because he can't get enough classes to be considered full time, he is always at the end of the line for class registration.

His Spring registration date came up today so, as usual, I was at the computer when the clock struck midnight to plug in the classes he wants/needs and pray that I didn't get the red-lettered response that 'this class is full', please try again! I had spent the earlier part of my vigil going over the remainder of the open-class list and put together a tenatative schedule with an alternate one that wouldn't be great but would do. I typed in the class numbers for the four classes, hit the SUBMIT key, and closed my eyes. I didn't want to see all the red print flash into place. I squinted open one eye and kept praying that, at least, he would get a good place on the waitlist. No red print! I looked closer and he had gotten all four classes on the first try! He is now a full-time college student. It's still not perfect but we aren't going to complain too much. He is registered for a fifth history class but he likes history. He also got Humanities, College Writing, and Psychology - all needed to go toward his AA degree. He is happy. I am happy! God gets a heartfelt THANK YOU! Now I have to brave the bookstore and face the cost of the overpriced schoolbooks! I'll probably do it with more of a smile this coming semester!

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