Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas Battlefield . . .

It has been creeping into society for years but the War on Christmas seems to be really taking hold this year. The whole idea of wanting to downplay or take away Christmas confuses me. The majority of the country celebrates the holiday yet a few want to make is disappear into a materialist  day of expensive gifts and overeating. They are adamant about removing the 'reason for the season' as it doesn't reflect their viewpoint and makes them uncomfortable. You have to wonder how many of these anti-Christmas factions grew up with the excitement of Christmas in their hearts and what changed it for them.

In one city, the annual street fair for Christmas was criticized by the atheists. In order to make themselves heard and ruin the joy for others, they bought up just about all the booths for the street fair yet left most of them empty the day of the event. The Christians got only one or two which they put to good use. This year, a judge ruled that there could be no Christian displays to avoid altercations. Where were the pastors and ministers in this situation? Why the silence? We do live in a free society and are entitled to openly display our beliefs. The minority certainly has an "all ways, are MY way" mentality . . . and they are getting away with it.

A grade school planned a class trip to see the Charlie Brown Christmas play and some anti-Christmas group put a stop to it for the entire class. Wouldn't an opt out provision been a better solution? The parents who didn't want their children to be exposed to this Christmas story could make their individual preferences known on behalf of their children. Instead, one group made the decision for everyone regardless of faith/belief. The demise of religious freedom is starsing us in the face . . . and there is silence.

Someone said I was unchristian because I tend to shop at store that acknowledge  Christmas. I like to wish people a Merry Christmas and do not want to be glared at when I do so. Interesting how I can be verbally disciplined for expressing this sentiment but Happy Sparkle season is okay.

With the mandate already going into place against Catholics, I suppose this should have been expected. The country, as a whole, saw the White House take away our religious freedom and few clergy or bishops stood up for it. Here, again, I doubt if we will hear anything about standing up for Christmas even though our faiths are solidly based on what is now considered a mere premise. Someone remarked once that "Poor people have poor ways" and that seems to describe the ones that want to take away from everyone what they don't want to believe.

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