Sunday, September 23, 2012

Missing cat!

As one would figure, once we got 'parents' for our three, stray cats, one goes missing. Okay, he was a very cute, half-grown cat and probably found himself a home. We kept an eye on the area and didn't find and dead cats so are assuming the best. Okay, fine, we will have two cats for the prospective foster family. Naturally, Miss Stubby goes AWOL this morning. If she doesn't show up in the next hour, we may end up with another trip to the desert tomorrow! I guess when you ask for intercession in our prayers, God makes us work for it. The other cat came in the house this morning and is full and happily  sleeping in the cat carrier in the kitchen.

Fresh, the cat of the hour, is more than ready to be a part of a stable home with food and water and toys at his beck and call.  Of course, there are already six cats in residence but he is a friendly fellow and should incorporate himself into the lifestyle without too many problems. He likes food, he likes petting, and he likes fresh water - he'll happily find his niche there . . . we hope!

We will miss the little guy but our cat would wear him out. Marcela loves it when he visits only she also loves hanging on to his leg or neck by way of her teeth. They are both exhausted after an hour of play time.

Within the hour, we set out for 29 Palms which is in the desert. I've never been out that way so am taking the camera for any interesting pictures. I've seen Fresh's new home and the yard is large and all sand! I would guess that they have to be careful of the water supply in the desert and a green lawn would come down low on the list of necessities. No problem as James (the new owner) says all his cats are indoor babies and much spoiled.

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