Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Wasting of our Future . . .

I was talking to a delightful couple after Mass on Sunday and, as usual these days, our conversation turned to politics. Although we all agreed that our current politicians in office needed to be replaced, they did say they rejoiced with everyone over the election of our first, black president. To me that seemed to be a superficial elation. Not that being black makes anyone unfit for office but that the fact that he was adamantly in support of all abortion made him an 'unfit' vote for a good Catholic whether he was black or not. In the 2008 election, too many people failed to look past the possibility of an historic event to see what would face the country with a staunch, anti-life president in office. Now, if we fight to replace him with a more conservative candidate that would respect life and the Constitution of our country, we are called racist.

It took me aback when this couple were happy that they could put their Catholicism aside and vote in someone who was very open about his views on abortion and made good his election by rescinding the safeguards President Bush had put into place during his term in office. The then-newly elected president signed any pro life  safeguards away before his first week in office was over. I don't think they can claim invincible ignorance as the information was out there for those who bothered to research the possibly far-reaching effects of their vote.

Another reason I voted against the current president in 2008 was his lack of respect for his own race. Abortion is a problem among the black community. A priest once said that the most dangerous place in the United States for a black child is in his mother's womb. Did all the Catholics stop to think that their vote made them accessories to abortion?

This election is pretty nasty with the one side saying the Republicans have declared war on women. Why? Because we are against having to pay for contraception and abortion when it is against our values? The Catholic Church has lawsuits pending because the separation of Church and State has been breached by the current administration and we have been mandated to act against our moral values and the precepts of our Faith . . . in a country that is supposed to guarantee us those rights.

I watch the protests during the convention and have to wonder about the women demanding abortion and contraception. The are loud and shriek their agenda. I heard a sermon from a very humble, devout priest who said that any mother who kills her baby isn't a true mother. I think about the children of such mothers who are allowed to live and realize that they could have been the chosen one to die.

Mother Theresa said the violence will not leave our world until we stop aborting our future. A look around the world and the frequent headlines of needless death and murder would tell a thinking person that she knew of what she spoke.

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