Monday, July 23, 2012

Respect is only for some?

The world, today, bends over backwards to be totally 'tolerant'. In their efforts, however, it is usually pitting one side against the other. When differences of opinion crash into the fast food industry, you have to pity people who want someone to change their opinion in favor of yours otherwise you want to make them hurt. Just such an event is unfolding over the popular Chick-Fil-A restaurants. The company was founded by Christians, they enbrace Christian beliefs, and they are being villified because they believe in traditional marriage. Last I looked, we are supposed to live in a democracy and have freedom of speech and belief yet in order to make one faction happy, the other side has to bend to their agenda . . . or else.

"Guilty as charged" was the response from Chick-fil-A President Dan Cathy when asked about his company's support of the traditional family unit as opposed to same-sex marriage.

Now, Chick-fil-A isn't staging any overt warfare against anyone's choice of lifestyle. Their restaurant is open to everyone who wants to enjoy a quiet meal there. If people object to the fact that the owners believe in traditional families, then they have the Democratic choice to not eat there. From what the news has reported, the opposition to traditional family units plans a 'kiss the same sex' day to take place in Chick-fil-A establishments. Seems they are opting to exhibit unseemly behavior in front of children in the restaurant by doing this. For me, I object to overt cuddling, kissing, and pawing in a public place by any couple.

For me, I'm defending a company's right to have their own choice in how they live their life. They should be respected for that just as same-gender couples are now protected under the law. The argument over all this doesn't belong in this scenario. You want to enjoy a good meal, do so. You want to protest, go the legal route.

I heard that Wednesday, July 25th is support Chick-Fil-A day. We plan to splurge and have lunch there . . . not because we want to disrespect people's choices in life but to show respect for a business that strives to give back to the community as well as provide a great product.

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