Monday, July 23, 2012

Living Proof Gun Restrictions Aren't the Answer . . .

You almost have to laugh when other countries decide to critique the United States on agendas that aren't even working in their own countries. You have to wonder if they are actually keeping tabs on the fallout in their own nations when they make remarks about us. The President of Mexico has recently given us 'counseling' over the recent shooting in Colorado. I enjoyed the article I found posted under the link included below. Here is a brief quote from the article:

"While ignoring the inconvenient fact that part of the reason why 63,000 people have been slaughtered in Mexico since 2006 is because Mexican citizens aren't allowed to legally own guns and defend themselves against ruthless drug cartels purchasing guns in bulk from China and Latin America, Mexican President Felipe Calderon is lecturing the United States again about how we need to reform our "mistaken" gun laws. "

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