Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cell phones for the asking?

With a mortage, student loans, and just the regular bills of being alive, we keep to a pretty strict budget. When my younger son started college, we had to make adjustments in order to get him a basic cell phone. I'm an observant person and it seemed to me that I see quite a few people with state-of-the art cell phones and often wondered how people with less income or no jobs were affording this luxury. This news report answered that for me!

Of course, as suggested by the news report, I immediately checked by own cell phone bill and, sure enough, I am also one of those 'generous' people who are subsidizing fancy phones for others while we make do with the barest necessity in communication. Something has gone wrong with this program. Yes, I think everyone should have the benefit of a land phone but when someone can accumulate six or more cell phones for the asking and hardworking people have to involuntarily pay for it, something is wrong with the system.

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