Saturday, June 23, 2012

Welfare for Everyone?

The president came out with another of his executive orders last week and basically gave amnesty to something like a million people give or take a few. Now I can understand concessions for children who were brought over to this country and growing up in this country. I do think the president is making more of an election promise than solving a problem, however.

We currently have a high unemployement rate in America. I, personally, understand this as I have two college graduates who cannot find any kind of employment and have student loans due. The last rough figure I heard was that there could be a million unemployed United State citizens in our country right now. How can the presiden think it a good idea to put another million in a situation where they, too, would require jobs. It is simply math . . . We can only hand out unemployment compensation when there are people working to cover the out of work. The more people out of work, the less unemployment compensation available. You add another massive group of people seeking employment and it topples down the whole economic structure.

Yes, there has to be some kind of restructure in our immigration policies. We are not only talking about people from Mexico as a lot of illegal immigration comes from many other countries in the world. When the president keeps stating that children brought over the border from Mexico, isn't he doing a disservice to immigrants that did the same thing from other countries?

More than a solution, the president has tried to put a tiny bandaid on a massive wound that needs careful consideration and work before declaring it will be all right now. He may earn the votes based on what I consider mere campaign promises but,  what kind of a mess has he created that will make matters even worse in the future.

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