Tuesday, June 5, 2012

In case you thought your vote didn't count . . .

Just ran across this bit of information in a Catholic Advocate article:

Recently released polling from Gallup confirms that Catholic voters will ultimately decide whether Barack Obama is re-elected in 2012 or whether Nancy Pelosi reclaims her gavel this fall. In each of the major swing states, Catholics now represent a higher percentage of the electorate than their overall percentage of the population. This means one thing: if Catholics make their voices heard, Catholics will determine the fate of life, marriage, and religious freedom in America.

In case you think this announcement and wonder that the Catholic vote could have so much bearing on the 2012 election, you only have to think back to the 2008 presidential election where over 50% of the Catholic vote saw that obama got into the White House.

I'm praying especially hard for this coming election. It was even said that Bill Clinton let slip to someone that "you have six months to save the country" meaning the removal of the current president from office come November 2012. Naturally, he denies his statement now but there it stands . . . True or not, it is what we are facing. Anyone with compassion for the unborn, the elderly, the small business, the struggling middle class, etc. should see that the last three years plus have not helped the country at all.

It is difficult to keep a positive spin on all that is going on. The same people in our Catholic parish are still voting for obama in November. All my husband's relatives refuse to view politics through the soul of their Faith. I get taunts from 'catholics' who try and bait me into discussion with, "My vote is going to offset your vote!"
Some teacher told us, years ago, that we needed a person of good character to run for office. We needed someone with moral fortitude to represent our country. The quote 'politics as usual' has changed for the worse over the years and another four years to match this last term of office could very well make our country and rights look entirely different and it won't be a good thing.

"In friendship false, implacable in hate,
Resolved to ruin or to rule the state."
Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel, 17th century.

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