Friday, June 15, 2012

Don't Politicians have enough to keep them busy?

The economy is in a downward spiral not matter how the administration twists and turns the numbers to make themselves look good. After all, it is election season so lies often win votes. Ms. obama wants to curtail bake sales and limit access to foods she doesn't deem worthy of consumption in order to orchestrate a bodily perfect view of the world. She might try starting with her other half who is often seen cramming a burger or hot dog into is mouth. Now, Mayor Bloomberg of New York has found time hanging heavily on his hands and is out to limit the size of soda to 16 ounces. For the time being, free refills are okay. So? What's the point other than he can wreck the income of many fast food places who have to dump their supply of larger-sized cups and reduce their income. Why take it out on companies trying to keep their heads above water right now? Yes, soda should be consumed in moderation but who is Mayor Bloomberg to tell grown ups what they can or cannot purchase? Will he send out the anti-soda forces to private homes to determine how many liter bottles of cola they might have stashed away? Will private citizens have to maintain only cups and glasses holding 16 ounces or less in their homes? As one newspaper said, 'what next - popcorn and milkshakes'?

Of course, you have to realize that when erring politicians and movie stars get arrested, it isn't for over consumption of soda and popcorn. Nope, it is usually liquor and drugs. Seems ironic that politicians are pushing for legalizing drugs while trying to ban some simple pleasures in life like soda. Just a part of imbedding a socialistic outlook in our Democracy where we need a government official to stand guard over every sip and morsel that goes past our lips for our own good.

What is interesting, that while too much of anything is deterimental to one's health, over the years, 'banned' dietary items are discovered to be actually necessary. Salt isn't  the demon it once was thought. Coconut oil can actually be good for you. Soy, in many forms is not good for you. Jumping on the bandwagon early in the game often makes one look foolish later on. Perhaps, our ruling government should look up the word 'moderation' - something they don't seem to understand especially when it comes to our money.

I don't know about Mayor Bloomberg or others of his ilk that want to send the SWAT teams into our grocery stores (just kidding about the SWAT teams - I hope!), to make sure our grocery carst are properly filled. Education is a good thing but free will is even more important. If you educate, people exercise their free will with good knowledge. If you take over their free will, they will lie, steal, and kill to get their soda.

I think the economy needs attention and politicians should stay out of our cupboards and away from our dinner tables. They also need to keep their personal agendas out of our lives and fix what they so stupidly broke through their own ignorance or mean-spirited gestures of competence.

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