Sunday, May 20, 2012

Government Control vs. our Children . . .

There has been an international treaty encroaching on our freedoms as parents for several years now. This item came from the Home Schooling Legal Defence Association. Our current administration is much in favor of this and it could be signed as soon as this year. It could and probably would change a lot of aspects of our lives. Our child raising would be taken over by the government. Senator Barbara Boxer is in favor of this. For more information, access the HSLDA home page and search CRC to keep informed. Our freedoms are being taken away in bits and pieces and now our very family life is threatened. Even if your children are grown up, think about the future generations.


Why should you think twice about supporting an accepted international human rights treaty? On today’s Home School Heartbeat, host Mike Farris exposes how the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child could affect your child and your parenting choices.

Mike Farris:
On the last program, we introduced the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child—known as the CRC. While the use of any international law for domestic purposes in the United States is a threat to American self-government, proponents of parental rights should pay the most close attention to the CRC—especially since it appears that significant effort on this treaty will be made under the Obama administration.

So what does the CRC actually say about the rights of children?

Article 3 subsection 1 provides that in all actions concerning children, all decision-makers need to employ the legal standard known as the best interests of the child. What this means is that the government can substitute what it thinks best for that of the parents in every situation.

Article 12 subsection 1 declares that the child’s views must be taken into account in every situation. When we read further, it means, taken into account by the government, because they’re the ultimate decision-makers.

In two very important areas of parental choice—religion and education—the CRC interferes with parental choice and elevates a child’s wishes over that of the parent. Realistically, it is neither parents nor children who make the final decision in the case of conflict—it is the state that has the power and duty under the CRC to make ultimate choices for kids.

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