Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The elderly cat that has come to stay . . .

 The old orange cat still haunts our doorstep but exhibits much energy if the front door is left unguarded. One time, I raced into the house, shut the door, and turn to find the cat already behind me inside the house. The first picture was the attitude I got when I kindly asked him to exit the house. I caught the old guy sleeping on our window sill this morning. Not to worry, he get a meal twice a day because we have soft hearts and equally soft heads!

The cat's favorite ploy to avoid dismissal from the house is to flop down on his side and go limp. No amount of prodding or persuasion will budge the old fellow. Yesterday, my son ended up sliding him across the kitchen floor, rolling him up on the the entry way step, and then 'pouring' him over the entry way to the porch. The cat never gets angry. He just looks miffed and you can see him recycling his thoughts on how to beat us at the game next chance he gets.
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