Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The dog with a conscience . . .

 Chick has proved to be an excellent dog. She only barks when there is serious concern. Don't try and hurt her family and there could be much biting and regret for the person trying to be offensive. Chick also always admits when she had sone something wrong. If she some to the door with dirt all over her paws and nose and we just say, "Chick?", she immediately takes us to the scene of her crime. If we aren't around to confess to, she will sit by the back door and wait.

Yesterday, my son noticed Chick sitting by the slider door with her face turned away from him. He knew something was up and called to her. She just dipped her head down in shame. He called to her more firmly and she slowly turned her head and there were bird legs hanging out of her mouth under her very woeful expression! My son removed the bird from her mouth and it looked like it had already been deceased and Chick hadn't killed it. He disposed of the decedent, told Chick that it was okay, and life went on for the happy dog. Wish I could have gotten a picture of her face with the bird legs!

In this picture, she is anxious for someone to come out and play and is hopefully looking in the window to see if anyone is around to see her need for exercise.
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