Saturday, April 21, 2012

They do math like a girl . . . ?

Back in my youth (Way back!), it was kind of a given that boys were better at math than girls. Yes, there were girls in grade school that did pretty well but that always seemed to surprise the teacher. Kind of an urban legend that lingered on for awhile. Since this myth has long been refuted, how come the male majority in the House and Senate still 'do math like a girl'?

The joke among husbands has always been their wives' ways of spending when there wasn't the money to spend. Over the last three years, the President and his politicos in Congress and the Senate have been spending exactly like the joked about wife. Every time a 'cause' comes up that doesn't really need attention, they all vote to write a check on an empty bank account. They write checks on a make-believe treasury. They do math like that sterotype of a vapid female.

Of course, the answer to their overdrafts (once they even slightly recognize them as such!) is to impose taxes on the working people to help make up for their political shortcomings. They tax businesses which cuts jobs. Lost jobs mean more and more people on unemployment paychecks. Unemployment paychecks that are written on a massively overdrawn account. The answer? More taxes and so it goes on and on and not one of these politicians or the even the president seem to own a calculator or have the slightest knowledge of debit and credit.

Lots of prayer needed now with the obamacare prospect hanging in the balance. From what I understand, an increase in taxes to cover it will begin almost immediately although the whole warped program won't go into effect until something like 2014. Naturally, this surplus of money will make them look good for a short time until the politicians and their wannabe followers use the money for everything but the purpose intended and then have to tax us again.

Lots of reelections coming up next years. I hope the anger we feel now holds forth when better people compete for our vote in order to oust the politician currently playing havoc with our lives and livlihood.

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