Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Warning of the Day . . .

Both my daughters are trying to find work which, as you can imagine, isn't easy in this economy. I noticed some on-line job sites and decided to check them out in case they might list something along the lines of their work experience. On all three sites, before you could look at the listings, they had page after page of ads for furthering your education through the various 'colleges' they advertise on television. I faithfully hit the 'skip' button for each and every one. However, before I even got to looking at the list of jobs, the phone rang and it was one of those colleges wanting to help me further my education. I nicely said that I wasn't interested and had not expressed an interest and hung up. That day I must have gotten eight calls!

It has been about five days and I'm still getting two to six calls re. my educational goals. Just giving everyone a head's up to expect this regardless of whether you hit the 'skip' button or not! Did I find any jobs? Nope! And the listings didn't even match up with the experience information I had provided. Hey, I should get my daughters jobs disabling the 'skip' buttons for those companies. Obviously, it is an onging occupation!

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