Monday, February 27, 2012

The Termite Man Can . . .

I don't have a skeleton in the closet but I do have a closet that could easily conceal one given the accumulation of junk it once housed. Although I tried to keep a semblance of order in this extra space, it was really a disgrace but as long as it wasn't accessible to the public, I kept it's existence on hold at the back of my mind.

I was 'outed' last year . . . by the termite inspector. We had a small termite invasion in the wall of one bedroom. We signed up for the annual servce and got the problem resolved. The next year, we got a more thorough termite inspector and he opened the door to my Pandora's Box of a closet . . . and found termites. In order to determine the scope of the problem, he started handing out stuff . . . and more stuff . . . and more stuff while my face reddened appreciably. He marked off the areas that needed attention and made an appointment for the following week to treat it.

I spent the next week going through the contents of the closet, purchased some shelving and threw out tons of long-forgotten items. It is almost a thing of beauty to behold now.

I had to laugh over this with my husband. When his parents were still able to travel, they would visit every six months or so and the announcement that they were coming would initiate a frenzy of deep cleaning. They haven't been able to travel for years now so it seems our termite man has taken over the push to clean for us as he looks into more closets and cupboards then they ever did! God provides often to humble us.

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