Monday, February 20, 2012

Still befriending the cat . . .

We are still trying to be friends with the stray cat that has been darkening our doorstep for the last few weeks. So far, Howl is happy with the food, likes coming in the house, appreciates the cat toys, but wishes we weren't included in the deal!

Today, he came howling (thus his name!) for a snack. I gave him cat kibble. He looked at me as if I had lost my mind! He wanted canned cat food which was not forthcoming. Later, my daughter was around and he complained to her about the lack of food service. She gave him the same kibble and he eats it up like it was what he wanted all along!

Howl is definitely the product of a mixed marriage. He has the Siamese markings but, as you can see, stripes instead of solid colored fur on his feet. His tail is interesting . . . It is shiny black, striped fur. When he curls it around his feet, it looks like he borrowed another cat's tail.
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