Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The revised obama mandate doesn't change a thing . . .

The latest from the obama anti-faith/religion mandate is below. I fail to see how the revision makes things any better. The insurance companies still have to provide for the birth control and related items. The insurance companies are not a charity so they will get back their money some way . . . like raising insurance premiums. Catholics and other religions that object to being a part of this immorality will still be paying one way or the other. The 'chess pieces' have been moved around the board but the obama administration still wins.

Yes, women have a right to live the way they want but pro-life people should not be paying out of pocket for something they adamantly disagree with on good principle. We should not be forced to pay for what we consider the ultimate murder of preborn life. When he issued this mandate, obama stepped over the line and narrowed down freedom to a select group.

It is very sad to note that Catholic Charities and the Catholic Health Association stand by the revision. What Catholic Church are they following? Do they suspercede Rome and 2,000 years of faith when it suits them? I wish our own bishop had come out with strong outrage over this and had, like many dioceses, provided a firmly worded letter stating his outrage over even the revised edition of the obama mandate. Not everyone pays as much attention to the news as they do in the pews . . . and the people in the pews are not being properly informed by the clergy.

Too many clergy and Catholics put their political feelings ahead of their religion. The Cathollic vote in 2008 that made this all possible resulted in the turmoil in our church and state today.

The revised Obama mandate will make religious groups contract with insurers to offer birth control and the potentially abortion-causing drugs to women at no cost. It will have religious employers refer women to their insurance company for coverage that still violates their moral and religious beliefs. Under this plan, every insurance company will be obligated to provide coverage at no cost.

Despite strong objections from the Cathodic bishops and pro-life groups, Jacob Lew told “Fox News Sunday” that the Obama administration believes the revised mandate addresses objections from pro-life and Catholic groups and is consistent with the president’s “very deep belief that a woman has a right to all forms of preventive health care, including contraception.”

“We have set out our policy,” Lew said. “We are going to finalize it in the final rules, but I think what the president announced on Friday is a balanced approach that meets the concerns raised both in terms of access to health care and in terms of protecting religious liberties, and we think that’s the right approach.”

“We didn’t expect to get the support of the bishops or all Catholics,” Lew continued. “We think it is a very good resolution of the problem. It’s gotten the support of a wide range of organizations from Catholic charities and the Catholic Health Association to Planned Parenthood.”

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