Saturday, February 25, 2012

Home remedies . . .?

I'm all for trying and using home remedies for minor things. We all take our vitamins and calcium and I make sure the meals are tasty and nutritious. You can't get good food eaten if it doesn't taste good, too. If you can save a trip to the doctor's with good sense and healthy eating, I'm all for it.

I, inadvertantly, had a home bone density test, yesterday.  I can see the wrinkled forheads as you try to figure out how one could accomplish that at home. At the doctor's, it is an x-ray of your hand to determine the state of your bones. Well, at home, mine turned out to be a trip and bad fall. Since I didn't break anything . . . and the weight of that fall could and should have done that, I'm thinking my bones are still holding up!

Since my daughter came home from college, she has lined our rather narrow hallway with boxes and books. I have transversed this part of the hallway on numerous occasions and have gotten the layout of the boxes memorized . . . someone moved one out of place . . . my foot caught on the edge and I was in flight. It was interesting as I realized quite suddenly that I literally had about two seconds to decide how I wanted to land. I decided on my side to avoid arms, hands, and head. I got the side of my knee.

The swelling was fantastic. For awhile, I had what looked like two kneecaps. The pain wasn't too bad but that might be due to the aspirin my husband immediately made me swallow and the ice pack I kept on it for over an hour. I was blessed as it sure could have been worse. I have a slight limp, not too much pain, and orders from my husband to do nothing more strenuous than quilt today. Being such an obedient wife, I will follow his orders! Ah, the sacrifices I make for my health!

By the way, I do not recommend this home bone density test!

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