Friday, January 20, 2012

What a Disappointment . . .

How very sad to discover that a respected priest and associate pastor has revealed just how liberal he is in political views. It is not so much the fact that he holds an opposing mind set on political issues but the fact that he refuses to see the impact on the country through his support of our current administration. Even when it is pointed out that his continued vote for our incumbent president would be the continued death threat to the unborn, he refuses to see. Where is his Catholic training? Where is his respect for life? Sure, he can say he is in favor of life but his vote says something quite different. Not only does it jeopardize his soul, it takes away one's heartfelt respect for his sermons and advice. He is in a large group of Catholics, sad to say, as the Catholic vote certainly helped put this problem into the system in 2008.

One woman actually lit into me about this. She was signing up people to pray at the local abortion clinic. Just about to do so, I mentioned that after the election, we certainly need all the prayers we can get for the unborn. She literally reared up in indignation and said that saying our president was anti-life was a myth and a Republican lie to make him look bad. I didn't sign up as I could not walk and pray with this woman who couldn't see past her preconceived notions.  I do pray for her as she is a contradiction in terms as she works hard at praying to stop abortion while her vote helped increase it.

Yes, she is  an erring example of being a real Christian but her example to limited to her vote and those in her immediate vicinity. Father's liberalism can seep into his sermons, conversation, and advice with a whole parish within his scope. To me, that is a scary thing to think about.

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