Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sharing a great idea . . .

I do a lot of ironing with both my sewing projects and keeping my husband's dress shirts for work in good order. My iron doesn't always seem to do the best job and I end up going over the same areas more than once to get the look I want for whatever I'm doing. The other day, I saw a word of advice from a reader in Country Woman Magazine (which is a great magazine!) that suggested putting down a layer of aluminum foil on your ironing board before putting on the cover. Foil attracts heat and I have to say that since I tried this, my ironing seems to go more smoothly. What a simple idea for an ongoing chore to make it just a bit easier.

My favorite way to clean the kitchen surfaces and table is ammonia! I put it in a spray bottle and it cleans and takes away odors from the surfaces and no rinsing required. I don't have little ones at home so if you still have the youngsters running around, keep it our of reach. When my brood was little, there was nothing like a spray bottle to grab their attention. You don't want mishaps. We also save a lot of money using the ammonia and it does just as good a job as the expensive name-brand cleaners.

School is over for my son . . . and me, the faithful Mom busy crocheting in the car while I wait for him. He is really enjoying the challenge of college History and I'm relishing the hour and a half of alone time with no guilt involved with just sitting there and crocheting. I can't hear the call of the laundry and dirty dishes from there!

Two friends undergoing surgery today so If you have an extra prayer for Carlos and Annie, I'm sure their families would appreciate it.

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