Saturday, January 28, 2012

Quilting . . . one square at a time . . .

When people look at one of my quilts, their first words are usually, "Gosh, that's amazing! I couldn't make something that big." Uh, neither could I . . . at least, not all at once. Quilts, like any other endeavor in life, starts small and grows from there. One often looks at the 'big picture' or the completed quilt and doesn't stop to consider all the small pieces that comprise the whole. Quilting has certainly taught me patience as all those small scraps of fabric do take their time in becoming a big quilt! And, since a quilt is a big project, quality plays an important part. Cheaply made fabric will give you a cheap result.

I do a lot of thinking when I quilt and this kind of sewing and real life have a lot in common. No matter what your job (office worker, clerk, homemaker, etc.), unless you put quality into it, the results will be disappointing. All worthwhile ideas start with a scrap of something and a lot of effort and attention.

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