Thursday, January 26, 2012

California weather . . .

Monday, we had the car problems and made five, long distance drives in the pouring, cold rain to see to the recovery of the car's ailments. Yesterday, we broke a record for temperatures for this time of year with it being over 80 degrees, dry, and hot. California seems to plan its days around you more than yu can plan your days around the weather.

We are heading into two very dry days with 50 mph gusts of wind and a fire danger warning. It has been a frustrating winter as no sooner do we get a drenching, the winds kick up and dries us to the bone, again.

Still getting used to our new schedule the my son being in college. Even with only one class, it changes around our week. I'm sad to miss out on daily Mass but relish my hour and a half waiting for my son to get out of class - guilt-free time to crochet! His class is at eight but he likes to arrive around 7:15 so he can learn his way around the entire campus and be on time for class. On the rainy day of class, the powers that be forgot to unlock the main door to the history class building. The teacher had the key to the classroom but not the main entrance. They were ten minutes late getting finally settled into class and the teacher immediately gave them the promised quiz and they got on with the lecture. Ten minutes after that, more students showed up. Just before class ended, the really, really late students inquired as to whether there would be the quiz! Interesting as the ones that were only ten minutes late, lucked out with the locked door but the ones arriving twenty minutes late were not. Strange, new world as I don't recall people being that late, if at all, when I was in college. Perhaps, we appreciated the value and cost of an education back then and didn't feel so entitled.

Interesting, our governor wants to raise the State-wide sales tax to cover education costs. When polled, people were in favor of using the raise to fund education but were not in favor of the sales tax being raised. Seems our media should either reread their copy or phrase their questions better when they take a poll like that. Every time our leaders temporarily raise a tax or fee for a set amount of time, it lasts forever. They should take a leaf our of our homemaker's book - if you need money, cut out something else. If there isn't any money, don't spend it. It is so simple yet our politicians don't seem to understand the workings of a checkbook. I guess that is reasonable for them as it isn't their checkbook account they are invading!

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