Thursday, December 29, 2011

Chick the Night Terror . . .

As I've mentioned before, we often worry that Chick is not getting enough exercise. As of midnight, last night, we will cease to worry on that score. Around midnight, Chick started barking loudly and regularly . . . right outside our bedroom window. My husband knocked at the window but to no avail, Chick was a dog on a mission to bark. We didn't hear any other dogs in the neighborhood sending canine messages so wondered what Chicken was determining as a problem.

My husband went outside with a flashlight and discovered Chick's source of concern . . . a fluffy, white cat. The cat was about five feet from Chick and poised for flight . . . if only the stupid dog would retreat first. Chick was very interested in this night creature but didn't like the hissing very much. Neither one of them would back down so my husband dragged Chick into the garage with her dog bed. After about 20 minutes, Chick was released back into the wild and all was quiet . . . for about ten minutes. At that point, Chick rediscovered the cat under the tool shed so proceeded to enjoy a noisy, barking scrabble around the foundation. The cat knew it was safe so was probably taking a nap which was not something we were going to enjoy with the dog's antics. Said dog was dragged back into the house for another 30 minutes. The next release was a success as the cat had gone home so Chick curled up in her dog house.

Both Chick and my husband looked very much worse for the wear this morning. When I ventured that I was glad that Chick hadn't the killer instinct 'enjoyed' by our previous dogs vs. cats, my husband said he really wasn't interested in the virtures of either the dog or the cat right now. Unfortunately, while Chick is sleeping off her adventure in her cozy doghouse, my husband still had to go to work!
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